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Simple Guidelines for Countering Constipation
I have a hunch that many of you aren’t comfortable talking about human waste. To be honest, it’s not my favorite topic either. But we need to address it because digestive irregularities ca..
Bothered by Bug Bites?
Jean-Pierre DHENIN, Family Medicine Physician
Beijing’s bug population waxes and wanes in a fairly predictable pattern. If you have lived in Beijing for more than a year, you know to expect a resurgence of bugs around this season. Most..
Protect Your Child from Springtime Injuries
It’s spring! The first rays of the spring sun guarantee that outdoor fun, and lots of it, will be the first item on your kids’ agenda. They’ve patiently sat through the winter, and now it..
Counterfeit Medicine Around The World
Helen ZHANG, Chair of Pharmacy, Registered Pharmacist
In June 2010, 61 patients out of the 116 who were treated at the Shanghai No. 1 Hospital were injected with a fake version of Avastin (chemical name: Bevacizumab), a medicine approved for co..
Please Wash Your Hands!
Do you wash your hands as often as you should? And how often is that, anyway? Hand washing is the act of cleansing the hands, with or without water. Hand washing removes visible dirt and sub..
Be Smart, Listen to Your Heart
Rongrong QIAN, Section Chief of Cardiology, Senior Cardiologist
The American Heart Association has deemed February as American Heart Month to raise awareness about cardiovascular disease (CVD). According to World Health Organization (WHO) data, CVD and s..
Food Safety
Cross-contamination occurs when microorganisms that are naturally found in one food are transferred to another food. Microorganisms include fungi, bacteria, and viruses. This can easily happ..
Healthy Teeth, Bright Smile
Lynn DENG, Senior Dental Hygienist
What is gum disease? Gum disease, also called periodontal disease, is an infection of the gums and bones that surround and support your teeth. The mild, early stage of gum disease, called G..
Summer Safety Tips
Martin SPRINGER, Emergency Medicine Physician
Summer is everyone’s favorite time of year. We get to enjoy its sunshine and wonderful weather, which of course means spending more time outdoors. While this time of year can be lots of fun..
Men’s Health Special: Prostate Health
Andrew PERRETT, Family Medicine Physician
It’s a fact – even though men do not statistically live as long as women, they also do not seek medical help as often! Men’s Health Week is in June. In an effort to increase awareness of ..
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