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Summer Safety Tips

Martin SPRINGER, Emergency Medicine Physician

Summer is everyone’s favorite time of year. We get to enjoy its sunshine and wonderful weather, which of course means spending more time outdoors. While this time of year can be lots of fun, it is also important to be on your guard and prepared because summer is also the most common time when children get injured. Here are some helpful tips so you can spend more fun time outdoors in the summer sun and less time in the Emergency Room.

Water Safety

Don’t forget that swimming pools and open bodies of water are one of the greatest hazards worldwide to children. Here are a few ways to keep your children safe in the water:

  • Never leave children alone in or near the pool, even for a moment.
  • Make sure there are adults at the pool trained in life-saving techniques and CPR so they can rescue a child if necessary.
  • Whenever infants or toddlers are in or around water, an adult should be within arm’s length to provide adequate supervision.
  • Teach your children water safety rules by telling them:
    • Never swim alone.
    • Never dive into the water except when allowed by an adult who has checked for underwater objects and knows the depth of the water.
    • Always use a life jacket when on a boat.

Bicycle Safety

Every child loves a bicycle but they can be dangerous if certain precautions are not taken. Here are a few tips to keep you and your children safe when riding:

  • Although not widely practiced in China, wearing helmets should be standard for any bike rider and helmets should be worn at all times by riders young and old when cycling.
  • For proper use, the helmet should fit squarely on top of a person’s head. It should not be tipped back. When pulled or pushed, a properly fitted helmet does not move around the head or slide over the eyes.
  • Use some sort of light and reflectors when riding at dusk or in the dark. Many accidents occur due to drivers not being able to see cyclists.
  • Make sure the bike has a way to prevent feet from getting entangled in the spokes, especially for children on child carriers.
  • Use hand signals when turning or stopping.
  • Look both ways when crossing the road.
  • Ride with traffic on the right side of the road.

Be Prepared

You never know when an emergency can happen! Being prepared and knowing where to go for help can make all the difference if you are ever faced with an emergency situation. Here are a few emergency contact details for you to keep on hand or in your phone:

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